Municipal Services Awards 2023 given to 23 recipients

Nov 29, 2023

Municipal Services Awards 2023 given to 23 recipients
Record 143 nominations received by MSO this year

On 29 November 2023, the annual Municipal Services Awards (MSA) Ceremony 2023 recognised the outstanding contributions of 20 groups and 3 individuals for delivering citizen-centric municipal services and fostering effective inter-agency collaborations to address municipal issues.

2        The winners were presented with their awards by Ms Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State for National Development and Foreign Affairs. They were selected from a record-high pool of 143 nominations, the highest since the inception of MSA in 2015. The awards spanned across four categories with 23 winners:  

i. Love Our ‘Hood Award: Recognising community groups and individuals who have consistently exemplified a collaborative spirit for the upkeep and improvement of their community or local living environment.

ii. Community Category: Celebrating projects that demonstrated active community participation and strong ground-up efforts, in partnership with agencies and Town Councils, to resolve complex municipal issues.

iii. Team Category: Honouring projects that demonstrated excellent inter-agency collaborations to develop innovative, sustainable and scalable systemic solutions to address complex and cross-cutting issues.

iv. Individual Category: Acknowledging public officers who went beyond their call of duty to deliver municipal services promptly to residents.

3        More details of the award recipients are appended in Annex A.

4        Nominations for the 2024 MSA will open in January 2024. Interested parties may follow the OneService Community social media pages (Annex B) for announcements on the award criteria and nomination process.

5        As we celebrate these 23 award winners, we also recognise the contributions of MSO’s partner agencies, who collectively received 1.7 million municipal feedback in the past year. These efforts have significantly impacted residents’ satisfaction level, with 61 per cent of feedback providers giving 4- to 5-star ratings for the services they received as of 3Q 2023.     

Noise Experiential Lab extended till 31 January 2024

6        MSO had worked with the Community Advisory Panel on Neighbourhood Noise to launch the Noise Experiential Lab in September this year. Aimed at addressing behavioural issues like neighbour noise disturbances, the lab has allowed over 530 members of the public to engage in an immersive role-playing experience, helping them to understand the causes of neighbour noise, its propagation, and methods to mitigate such noise.

7        More than 95 per cent of visitors provided a rating of 4 or 5 out of 5 stars for their experience at the lab, and many of them shared that they intend to resolve noise disturbances by first trying to communicate with their neighbours rather than reporting straight to the authorities.    

8        In response to the encouraging feedback, the operation of the Noise Experiential Lab will be extended till 31 January 2024. Admission is free. Members of public can sign up for a visit at


Issued by: Municipal Services Office
29 Nov 2023


Annex A: Details on Award Winners

Annex B: OneService Community social media pages

a)    Facebook at;

b)    Instagram at; and

c)    Tiktok at;