Written Answer by MND on number of HDB flats completed in 2019 vs 2018 and expected number of HDB flats completed in 2023 vs 2022

Feb 6, 2023

Question by: Mr Shawn Huang Wei Zhong

To ask the Minister for National Development

(a) why the number of HDB flats completed in 2019 was 12,114 which is a lower number as compared to 17,556 HDB flats completed in 2018;
(b) why the expected number of HDB flats completed in 2023 is flat compared to 2022: and
(c) what is preventing HDB from increasing the number of completed HDB flats in 2023.


1        The number of HDB flats completed each year depends on a variety of factors such as the number of flats that commenced construction in preceding years, and attributes of individual projects such as site availability, storey height, number of units, design, site conditions and constraints, which in turn affect the construction period. Projects with challenging site conditions or more complex designs may also take a longer time to construct. The combination of these different factors resulted in the lower number of completed flats in 2019.

2        We have ramped up our supply and resources to reduce the extent of the delays to BTO projects brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and are working hard to deliver affordable and quality homes for Singaporeans. In 2022, HDB delivered more than 20,000 flats across 22 housing projects, the largest number of flats and housing projects in the last five years. The number of flats completed increased by 50% from 2021.

3        However, there remain constraints at certain planned BTO sites. For example, space constraints limit the number of temporary construction lifts and machinery on-site. Where possible, we have optimised construction time through the use of technology, while complying to safety regulations and quality standards.

4        Nonetheless, we will sustain our efforts to deliver affordable homes as soon as possible, while not compromising on quality and safety.