Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on whether the Ministry can work alongside animal shelters to allow potential pet owners to interact with animals put up for adoption so as to counteract misconceptions and stigma against adopted pets

Jul 5, 2021

Mr Christopher de Souza: To ask the Minister for National Development whether the Ministry can work alongside animal shelters to allow potential pet owners to interact with animals put up for adoption so as to counteract misconceptions and stigma against adopted pets. 


To promote and encourage the rehoming of shelter animals, NParks has been working closely with Animal Welfare Groups (AWGs) to support their adoption drives and to organise pet-related events.  For instance, NParks launched the Pets’ Day Out series in August 2019 as a regular platform where the public can learn about responsible pet ownership and pet care through talks, workshops, and other activities. At such events, potential pet owners can interact with the animals put up for adoption by the AWGs. This is a common practice by the AWGs as part of the adoption process, to increase the likelihood of a match between the adopter and the animal. During this pandemic, NParks has worked with AWGs to develop guidelines to ensure that this practice can be carried out safely in line with prevailing safe management measures. It has also supported the AWGs in their adoption drives by organising the Pets’ Day Out event online.  

NParks will continue to work closely with stakeholders in its education and outreach efforts to promote responsible pet ownership.