Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on whether HDB intends to install solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on all HDB block rooftops, where feasible

Jan 10, 2022

Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song: To ask the Minister for National Development (a) whether HDB intends to install solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on all HDB block rooftops, where feasible; (b) of the towns where the SolarNova programme has been rolled out, what percentage of HDB rooftops have solar PV panels installed; and (c) to what extent has the SolarNova programme mitigated the recent spikes in electricity prices.


HDB strives to install solar panels on as many HDB blocks as possible, subject to factors such as the availability of roof space, and whether the roofs are free from any shading effects. To date, HDB has called or awarded tenders for a total solar capacity of about 330 MWp, covering about 7,000 HDB blocks, and installation has been completed  on around 2,700 of these blocks, or close to 40% of the total number of committed blocks. Solar panels for the remaining HDB blocks will be progressively installed in batches over the next two to three years.

HDB will continue to call more tenders for the installation of solar panels on HDB rooftops across Singapore in the coming years, as well as employ higher efficiency panels to optimise the use of HDB rooftop space.

Solar energy generated is first used to power common services in HDB estates, such as lifts and lights. Any excess solar energy will be channeled to the grid. Town Councils managing these HDB blocks will enter into a service agreement with the solar vendor to pay for the solar energy consumed, at a preferential rate not higher than the retail electricity tariff rate. This may help the Town Councils in mitigating the rising cost of energy.