Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on welfare of animals bred in local pet farms

Nov 8, 2016

Dr Chia Shi-Lu: To ask the Minister for National Development what checks and enforcement measurements are in place to ensure the welfare of animals being bred in our local pet farms and whether AVA has sufficient certified personnel to conduct these inspections. 


There are legislative provisions to safeguard animal welfare under AVA’s Animals and Birds Act (ABA). Under the Act, all owners owe a duty of care to the animals under their charge. 

For pet farms, AVA imposes additional licensing conditions to safeguard the welfare of animals that are bred and sold. Licensees have to fulfil stringent requirements on healthcare and the living environment of their animals. 

In August 2016, AVA issued a Code of Animal Welfare for the pet industry. It applies to all pet farms and shops, as well as pet businesses not licensed by AVA like pet groomers. This Code stipulates minimum requirements for kennel spaces, housekeeping, diet and feeding etc. Non-compliance can lead to enforcement action by AVA. 

AVA has enough trained officers to conduct regular spot checks on pet farms. However, as animal welfare is a shared responsibility, we also encourage the public to be vigilant and to report errant pet farms to AVA. Enforcement aside, AVA will also continue to work with the pet industry to raise animal welfare standards through partnership and education.