Written answer by Ministry of National Development on the number of HDB BTO units facing (a) a multi-storey carpark at the same or higher levels and (b) those below the fifth floor facing a bin centre

Feb 7, 2024

Question No: 5369

Question by: Ms Hazel Poa

To ask the Minister for National Development (a) of all the HDB BTO units launched this year, how many units are directly facing a multi-storey carpark at the same or higher levels; (b) how many units below the fifth floor are directly facing a bin centre; and (c) what are the factors considered when deciding whether to construct a multi-storey carpark within the same block or in a separate building next to the block.


          HDB carefully studies the layout of each site, taking into consideration its size and shape, and minimises the number of flats facing parking decks and bin centres, while maximising the number of north-south facing flats, among other design considerations.   


2.       Of the 23,000 Build-to-Order (BTO) dwelling units (DUs) launched in 2023, about 700 DUs (or 3%) face the parking decks of a Multi-Storey Car Park (MSCP). To provide greater privacy to residents, and prevent vehicle headlights from shining directly into these flats, screens and greenery are incorporated into the façades of MSCPs. In addition, MSCP rooftops are also designed as landscaped gardens to provide visual relief for flats overlooking MSCPs. Such rooftops also serve as green and recreational spaces for residents.


3.       Of the 23,000 DUs launched in 2023, fewer than 20 DUs directly face a bin centre. Bin centres in new HDB precincts are equipped with the Pneumatic Waste Conveyance System (PWCS) for a cleaner and more efficient waste collection process. These bin centres are typically located at remote ends of HDB precincts and/or near public roads, with the entrances located away from flats.                                                                                                                                                         To further screen off these bin centres from surrounding blocks, HDB also incorporates additional greenery and planting where feasible.