Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on Tender Evaluation under Price Quality Method framework for construction project tenders

Apr 1, 2019

Mr Murali Pillai: To ask the Minister for National Development whether BCA, in determining the productivity scoring for public sector construction project tenders under the Price Quality Method framework of tender evaluation, can revise the Technology Adoption Index and Workforce Development Index which are now predicated solely on how much the tenderers tap on the Construction Productivity and Capability Fund so as to ensure tenderers only tap on the Fund when they have a need to do so.


Under the Price Quality Method framework, the assessed productivity of the contractor accounts for 10% of the overall evaluation score. A major part of this assessment is based on the contractor’s track record in employing productive construction methods in past projects. In addition, a small weightage is assigned to the contractors’ take-up of the relevant schemes under the Construction Productivity and Capability Fund (CPCF), which serves as a proxy for their investments in productivity improvements. BCA will continue to review and update the evaluation criteria, including the use of other suitable indicators.