Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on requiring dog farms and pet shops to provide information on the cause of death of licensed dogs

Mar 8, 2021

Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for National Development (a) whether the Ministry has reviewed the possibility of requiring dog farms and pet shops to provide information on the cause of death of licensed dogs; (b) if so, what are the results of the review; and (c) if not, when does the Ministry plan to do so. 


To safeguard the health and welfare of animals, NParks is reviewing its pet business licensing conditions including the housing and management, healthcare, and traceability of the animals. As part of this review, NParks intends to require dog farms to provide information on the cause of death of dogs under their care. NParks is also considering this requirement for pet shops. This will improve NParks’ biosurveillance of the animal population and allow it to take immediate measures to prevent the spread of diseases, including potential zoonotic ones, in the event of a disease incursion. More details will be announced when ready.