Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on reducing occurrence of falling windows

Jan 8, 2018

Mr Melvin Yong Yik Chye: To ask the Minister for National Development what plans, beyond public education, does the Ministry have to reduce the occurrences of falling windows.


Public education is only part of a multi-pronged approach Government takes to reduce the occurrence of falling windows.  First, there are upstream design and performance requirements for window systems to ensure that structural frames, hinges and other components can safely support the weight of the whole window system.

Second, windows can only be installed by approved contractors that are registered with the Building and Construction Authority (BCA).  These contractors must have trained installers who have taken a course on window safety and who have at least 12 months of practical experience.

Third, home owners also play an important role in ensuring that their windows are properly and regularly maintained.  Under the Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act, BCA can issue Notices to owners to repair and maintain their windows if they are found to be poorly maintained.  If a window falls due to lack of maintenance, the person responsible could be subject to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or both.

The BCA will take enforcement action against home owners or contractors who contravene the requirements.  We will continue to work with home owners to reduce the risk of falling windows.