Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on public agencies and legislation governing the use of CCTVs installed on private residential properties to ensure privacy of neighbouring land occupants is safeguarded

Feb 14, 2022

Ms Sylvia Lim: To ask the Minister for National Development which public agencies and legislation govern the use of CCTVs installed on private residential properties, particularly to ensure that the privacy of neighbouring land occupants is safeguarded.


No legislation or public agency explicitly and specifically targets the use of CCTV cameras installed on private residential properties. But other laws may apply, depending on the circumstances.

For instance, private property residents may look to the Community Disputes Resolution Act (CDRA), which sets out the standards of conduct between neighbours. Under the CDRA, a resident must not unreasonably interfere with his neighbour’s enjoyment or use of the neighbour’s place of residence. This includes interference through the surveillance of the neighbour or the neighbour’s place of residence, where the surveillance is done at or in the vicinity of that place of residence. If both sides are unable to resolve the matter through direct discussions, his neighbour may attempt community mediation, or as a last resort, file a claim before the Community Disputes Resolution Tribunals.