Written answer by Ministry of National Development on projected co-living units under private and public housing

Oct 4, 2023

Question No: 5203

Question by: Mr Louis Chua Kheng Wee

To ask the Minister for National Development (a) whether the Government has data on the projected number of tenders and private housing units that will be launched with co-living concepts in the next five years; and (b) whether the Government is considering extending such concepts to the public housing market.


          The Government does not have data on the projected number of tenders and private housing units that will be launched with co-living concepts in the next five years.

2.       During Our Housing Conversations, we engaged Singaporeans on potential new public and private housing typologies. The feedback from participants on co-living as a new housing typology was mixed. While some participants supported co-living as a possible new public housing typology for singles, others were ambivalent.  We will have to study the feasibility and market acceptability of these new ideas before we decide whether to implement them.