Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on private outdoor education providers’ access to public spaces

Nov 6, 2017

Mr Melvin Yong Yik Chye: To ask the Minister for National Development with regard to the Ministry of Education's new national outdoor adventure education masterplan

a) whether private outdoor educators are allowed to use public spaces for their activities; and

b) whether the Ministry will consider allowing private outdoor educators easier access to public spaces for their activities.


Our public spaces are meant to be used and enjoyed by everyone. Apart from parks and park connector networks, we have progressively opened up reservoirs and waterways for sporting and recreational activities. 

Our parks are open to members of the public, including private outdoor education providers, as long as the activity does not deprive other public users of the space.  Currently, for activities that are organised for more than 15 people, ticketed, or require structural set-up, members of the public can apply to use our parks through the online Park Usage Application System.  NParks will allow activities that do not cause undue disruption to the public, or potential damage to flora and fauna in our parks.  Users must also adhere to the rules and regulations stipulated in the Parks and Trees Act.

Our reservoirs are restricted facilities.  However, PUB will consider applications from private organisations to carry out water activities in our reservoirs on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the impact on PUB’s operations, potential pollution to the water and surroundings, and safety of participants. 

We will continue to support the use of our public spaces by private outdoor adventure education providers, as long as the proposed activities do not compromise our agencies’ operations, and the impact to our environment and other members of the public is minimised.