Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme

Aug 15, 2016

Mr Gan Thiam Poh: To ask the Minister for National Development

a) how many families have benefited from the Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme (PPHS) since its launch;

how many of these families have since moved out to their new HDB flats;

how many families co-share with another family temporarily in one flat and how many are without co-sharing;

d) how many families have made appeals for rental reductions and what is the number of successful and non-successful appeals respectively; and

whether more flats will be made available for PPHS.


About 1,860 families have benefitted from the Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme (PPHS) since its launch in Jan 2013. 630 families have since moved into their new HDB flats. 

Almost all families in PPHS do not co-share. So far, only 16 families have taken up the co-sharing option since its introduction in Nov 2014.

Overall, 28 families have appealed for rental reductions. HDB encourages families who appeal for lower rent to consider co-sharing with another eligible family. For those in financial hardship, HDB may assist them with Interim Rental Housing (IRH) which has even lower rents. Of the 28 families, HDB assisted 22 families with these measures or by transferring them to a PPHS flat with a lower rent. The remaining 6 chose to remain in their PPHS flats.

From Jun 2015, we increased the PPHS supply by about 800 flats. Currently, we have about 1,950 PPHS flats in total. We will continue to review the supply considering the availability of flats and demand for PPHS. Thus far, the supply has been sufficient to meet demand[1].


[1] Demand as measured by those who submit PPHS applications and proceed to select a PPHS flat. Some who submit PPHS applications do not proceed further despite being invited to select a flat.