Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on measures in place to ensure that Town Councils and Management Corporation Strata Titles (MCSTs) perform regular inspections at common areas

Apr 5, 2021

Mr Don Wee: To ask the Minister for National Development (a) what measures are in place to ensure that Town Councils and Management Corporation Strata Titles (MCSTs) perform regular inspections to enforce clutter-free corridors, lift landings and stairwells, in accordance with Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) guidelines and the Fire Safety Act; and (b) whether the Ministry will consider imposing fines to increase the compliance rate when the removal of obstacles such as furniture, appliances, mobility devices and flower pots are not done in a timely manner. 


Town Councils and management corporations (MCSTs) are responsible for managing the common areas within HDB estates and strata-titled developments respectively. This includes ensuring compliance with the Singapore Civil Defence Force’s (SCDF) fire safety requirements. Town Councils and MCSTs should hence conduct regular checks and respond promptly to feedback on excessive clutter in common areas. SCDF can issue Fire Hazard Abatement Notices to require Town Councils or MCSTs to rectify any fire hazards identified during its inspections. If the fire safety risk is serious, SCDF can issue a notice of composition to the Town Council or MCST. 

Town Councils and MCSTs are respectively empowered under the Town Councils Act and the Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act to enact by-laws to regulate the use of common areas. For Town Councils, this includes by-laws that prohibit the excessive placement of objects that may cause obstruction at common areas. MCSTs are also required to adopt a set of prescribed by-laws, including one that prohibits residents from obstructing the use of the common property. The Town Councils and MCSTs work closely with SCDF to regulate and rectify obstructions that may cause a fire hazard. Residents who flout the Town Councils’ by-laws are liable for a fine of up to $5,000. MCSTs are also empowered to remove obstructions and recover the costs incurred from residents.

The Government adopts a multi-pronged approach to tackle the issue of clutter in common areas. HDB conducts site inspections on selected blocks to ensure that the HDB estates are well-managed. Reports from these inspections are sent to Town Councils for follow-up. To raise awareness amongst residents on the dangers of obstruction and promote good neighbourliness, HDB organises outreach activities such its Outreach to Young and Youth! and Friends of Heartlands Programme to promote gracious living which includes keeping corridors uncluttered. 

Residents are strongly encouraged to do their part to maintain a safe and pleasant living environment by removing corridor clutter and ensuring that passages are clear.