Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on Joint Singles Scheme

Jan 19, 2015

Mr David Ong: To ask the Minister for National Development:- 

(a) what is the total number of HDB rental flats currently set aside for the Joint Singles Scheme (JSS); 

(b) how many rental flats under the JSS are currently occupied by a single tenant who cannot find a replacement flatmate after the grace period; and 

(c) what steps will HDB take to better match single tenants, mitigate conflict and ensure quick replacements of departed flatmates. 


Of the 50,000 rental flats, 12,000 are occupied by tenants under the Joint Singles Scheme (JSS). HDB does not set a quota on the number of rental flats for JSS tenants. 

Some 1,900 flats are currently occupied by single JSS tenants as their original flatmates have left and their replacements are being sought. There is a grace period of six months for the remaining tenant to find a joint tenant. 

We encourage the tenants to look for someone they know, like a relative or friend. HDB also provides them with a list of single applicants, or introduces them to other single tenants of a similar profile, whom they may contact before mutually agreeing to jointly rent a flat. The key is mutual respect and tolerance. Most are able to get along. In the event of dispute, HDB will advise them to settle their dispute amicably or approach the Community Mediation Centre for mediation.