Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on Home Improvement Programme (Sep 2022)

Sep 12, 2022

Mr Murali Pillai: To ask the Minister for National Development in relation to the Home Improvement Programme (HIP) to upgrade HDB flats built between 1987 and 1997, whether HDB will make public its forecast of selection of precincts for HIP in advance so that eligible residents living in precincts which have yet to be selected are able to make better plans for the renovation of their homes.


            There are about 230,000 HDB flats built between 1987 and 1997 that are eligible for the Home Improvement Programme (HIP). As a large number of flats are involved, the programme will be carried out in phases over an estimated ten-year period, starting from 2020, subject to the Government’s fiscal position and budget availability.

2          As such, the selection of precincts for the HIP is carried out on a yearly basis. HDB will inform Town Councils of the remaining precincts that are eligible for HIP, and Town Councils are then invited to nominate and prioritise eligible precincts for HIP for HDB and MND’s evaluation. In general, we will accord priority to older flats. Most flats should be able to undergo HIP when they are around 30 years old.

3          The scope of HIP comprises essential improvement works such as repairs of spalling concrete, the replacement of waste pipes and laundry pipe sockets, as well as optional improvement works such as toilet upgrading, replacement of entrance doors, grille gates and refuse chutes. Residents who plan to renovate their flats before they are selected for HIP, or have already renovated their flats, can choose to opt out from these optional improvement works, if such works are part of their renovation plans.