Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on future plans for park connector networks and whether PCNs can increase in number and length

Oct 3, 2022

Mr Christopher de Souza: To ask the Minister for National Development

(a) what are the future plans for our park connector networks (PCNs); and
(b) whether the PCNs can increase in number and length so as to provide more options to residents to exercise near green spaces or along water bodies like canals.


Our park connectors are located near to green spaces and along water bodies, and provide recreational opportunities for Singaporeans to exercise and explore outdoor spaces. Some examples include the Changi Bay Park Connector and Alexandra Park Connector. Over the years, we have been expanding our park connector network. To date, there are about 370km of park connectors island-wide, and NParks aims to increase the length of park connectors to 500km by 2030.

2    We are also establishing a 360km island-wide network of recreational routes across Singapore, comprising park connectors and trails. For example, the first phase of the Round Island Route was opened in January 2022, providing a 75km recreational connection along the Eastern coastline, from Rower’s Bay to Berlayer Creek. When completed, these island-wide recreational routes will provide more opportunities for Singaporeans to walk and cycle in natural spaces for longer distances.

3    Besides providing opportunities for nature-based recreation, our park connectors and island-wide routes also help to enhance ecological connectivity between natural habitats, strengthening Singapore’s ecological resilience as we transform into a City in Nature. Together, these efforts contribute to our goal of enabling all households to be within a 10-minute walk from a park by 2030.