Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on defects in HDB BTO flats

Nov 3, 2020

Mr Leon Perera: To ask the Minister for National Development (a) whether HDB monitors the number and severity of BTO flat defects associated with particular contractors in particular developments, both during and after the one-year defects liability period; (b) whether HDB takes into account the number and severity of defects caused by particular contractors in prior developments when awarding future contracts; and (c) if so, how much weight is accorded to such defects when awarding future contracts.


HDB tracks the performance of contractors closely during construction, and the Defects Liability Period (DLP).  During this time, contractors are assessed every six months under HDB’s Contractors Performance Assessment (CPA) framework, which takes into account the progress of site works, the quality of works completed, as well as site safety.  Poor performance, including a high incidence of defects, whether at the construction or the DLP stages, will result in lower CPA scores, and impact the contractor’s ability to secure future HDB projects. 

In evaluating building tenders, HDB adopts the Price Quality Method (PQM) where tender bids are scored according to price, quality and productivity criteria.  The CPA scores of a particular contractor constitute part of the quality component in the PQM evaluation. 

The vast majority of defects are reported during the DLP, and would therefore be factored into a contractor’s CPA score.  For issues reported after the DLP, HDB will investigate the likely cause and advise flat owners on the follow-up action accordingly.  If the issue is assessed to be due to an inherent defect or quality issue, HDB will engage the building contractor to rectify it.