Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on contractors penalised for poor quality of Home Improvement Programme (HIP) works

Apr 3, 2017

Dr Tan Wu Meng: To ask the Minister for National Development over the past three years, how many contractors have been penalised as a result of complaints received on the quality and workmanship of works done under the Home Improvement Programme.


HDB sets quality and service standards for contractors in the execution of Home Improvement Programme (HIP) projects. Based on surveys of precincts which have undergone HIP, at least 90% of residents expressed satisfaction with the works completed.  

Nonetheless, should there be any service or quality lapse, HDB will take enforcement action against the contractor. In the past three years, 19 contractors were penalised with demerit points. In addition, 5 of these contractors had an administrative charge imposed on them, and 3 contractors were restricted from tendering for HDB projects for a period of time.