Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on accidents involving children at playgrounds and amusement parks

Oct 1, 2018

Ms Joan Pereira: To ask the Minister for National Development 

(a) in the last five years, how many accidents involving children under the age of 12 have occurred at commercial playgrounds, carnivals, fun fairs and amusement parks;

(b) what measures are in place to ensure child safety; and

(c) whether the Ministry has plans to review and update safety requirements at such venues.


Since 2013, there have been 17 reported incidents on amusement rides involving children under the age of 12, which required medical treatment beyond basic first aid. Of the 17 incidents, 16 were due to user behaviour, and only 1 case in 2014 was due to a safety lapse on the ride operator’s part. BCA, which regulates amusement rides in Singapore, took enforcement action against the ride operator, and the safety lapse was rectified before the ride was reopened to the public.

Under the Amusement Rides Safety Act, amusement rides have to be designed, maintained and operated according to internationally recognised safety codes and standards. Rides that are low-powered or battery-operated, including rides in playgrounds, are excluded from the regulatory framework, as they pose relatively lower risk.  

The ride operator is responsible for the safety of amusement ride operations.  Amongst other measures, the operator is required to appoint a Ride Manager to manage and supervise the daily operations and routine maintenance of the ride. For example, the Ride Manager needs to ensure that a thorough inspection is done before the ride is opened for public use each day, and that only trained persons operate the ride.

Some rides have restrictions, for instance, that patrons must be above a specified height, or within a specified weight. This is due to the design of the ride seats and safety restraints. Operators are required to inform patrons if rides have such restrictions, and to conduct checks to ensure compliance.

BCA also conducts inspections on the operation and maintenance of amusement rides. If safety issues are detected, BCA will take action as required, such as suspending the operations of the ride. This year, BCA has conducted more than 250 inspections of amusement rides in Singapore as of August 2018.

We will continue to work closely with the industry to ensure that amusement rides are designed, maintained, and operated according to prescribed safety standards. Ride users can also play a part in creating a safe and fun experience for themselves and their families by adhering to the safety guidelines.