Welcome Remarks by Minister Desmond Lee at the Opening of the Flora of Thailand Conference

Jul 18, 2022

1. A very good morning to everyone.

2. I am pleased to be here today for the start of the 18th Flora of Thailand Conference. Singapore is honoured to host the Conference this year, after it was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are very delighted to be able to welcome Her Royal Highness to the Singapore Botanic Gardens.

3. The Flora of Thailand Conference was established to facilitate the Flora of Thailand project, which aims to produce a complete floristic treatment of the entire vascular flora in Thailand. Since its beginning in the late 1960s, the project has been a good example of how collaboration amongst countries can help to strengthen the research and understanding of our precious biodiversity. For example, the 14 volumes published till date include contributions from many countries, as well as from Thai students and young researchers.

4. It is Singapore’s privilege to be able to play a part in this meaningful project, which has yielded lots of interesting and valuable research. For example, our very own Dr David Middleton of NParks is a member of the Flora of Thailand Board, which helps to guide and facilitate the project. In addition, our researchers from the Singapore Botanic Gardens are helping with the Flora of Thailand project, to better understand plant species such as gingers and bamboos. 

5. These partnerships have allowed researchers in the region and beyond to have a better understanding of Thailand’s approximately 11,000 native plant species, and strengthened our collective understanding of plant diversity in the region.

Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation Efforts Through Research and Mutual Sharing 

6. Now Southeast Asia has one of the richest diversities of plant species in the world. It is home to around 15 per cent of the world’s total flowering plant diversity. Many plant species that thrive in Thailand can also be found in Malaysia and Singapore. Because our region’s ecosystems are so closely intertwined, a deeper understanding of the flora in one country will benefit other countries in the region as well.  That is why collaborative research and mutual sharing through the Flora projects of Southeast Asia will help us to develop better and more targeted conservation strategies, so that we can work together to protect the rich and unique biodiversity of Southeast Asia.

7. Indeed, our conservation efforts in Singapore have benefited greatly from such collaborative research. For example, the Hanguana malayana, a type of flowering plant, was once thought to be a single species occurring in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. However, recent research by researchers in the region suggests that it actually consists of over 20 different species, including the Hanguana rubinea, which is endemic to Singapore. Such findings help to refine our conservation strategies to safeguard Singapore’s natural heritage. 

Continued Partnerships Going Forward 

8. Going forward, our researchers from Singapore will continue to support the Flora of Thailand project.

9. We also welcome the expertise of Thai botanists in strengthening the knowledge of our native plant species, such as mosses, liverworts, and orchids. Thus far, their invaluable knowledge and contributions have helped in the documentation of our plant diversity, captured in our own Flora of Singapore project. 

10. Such partnerships play a key role in enhancing Singapore’s biodiversity conservation strategies, as we transform into a City in Nature. For example, to safeguard our natural heritage, we aim to conserve 100 species of native plants under our Species Recovery Programme by 2030.

11. To conclude, we look forward to Singapore and Thailand’s continued close partnership in botanical research, as we work together to protect our region’s rich natural heritage.

12. Our two countries are close friends and longstanding partners. This project is yet another example of the warm and multi-faceted relationship we share. And through research on science and on plants, we bring our people together too. We look forward to growing and deepening our cooperation in the years ahead.

13. And with that, once again, Your Royal Highness, we welcome you to Singapore, and we wish you a good and fruitful conference ahead. Thank you.