Oral answer by Ministry of National Development on the governance and planning of sea spaces

Jul 6, 2023

Question No: 4816

Question by: Ms Nadia Ahmad Samdin

To ask the Minister for National Development (a) what procedures and safeguards are being put in place before Temporary Occupation Licences are granted over sea spaces; and (b) what is the long-term plan for the governance and planning of sea spaces by URA.


          Under the Foreshores Act, the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) may grant Temporary Occupation Licences (TOL) for the temporary occupation of the foreshore and seabed in Singapore for any period not exceeding one year. If there are development works intended in the TOL area, the applicant will need to carry out in-depth consultation with agencies, such as the National Parks Board (NParks), National Environmental Agency (NEA), Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), and Singapore Food Agency (SFA). Through the consultation, agencies will consider the impact of the development, determine if an environmental study needs to be conducted and require the necessary mitigation measures to be put in place. SLA will only issue the TOL after the necessary clearances from the technical agencies and the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) have been obtained. 

2        As part of the planning process, URA works closely with agencies to coordinate our plans in our sea spaces, such as through the Long-Term Plan Review. In the long term, most of the sea space within our port limits will continue to be used by the maritime industry and for port activities, which are important enablers of our economy. URA will continue to work with MPA and other relevant agencies, such as NParks, SFA and SportSG, to plan for other important uses and activities within our sea space, for example, aquaculture, industries, utilities, and recreation, and ensure that these uses are carried out in an environmentally sensitive manner to minimise any impact on the marine ecosystem and biodiversity.

3        During the adjournment motion on protecting our marine spaces and Southern Islands earlier this year, the Minister for National Development also shared how agencies coordinate our plans from planning to implementation, and engage nature groups and other stakeholders, so that their inputs can be considered. URA, MPA and the relevant agencies will continue to engage the community on plans for our sea spaces.