Oral Answer by Ministry of National Development on Ethnic Integration Policy and rental of HDB flats on open market

Jan 9, 2018

Ms Rahayu Mahzam: To ask the Minister for National Development 

(a) how does HDB ensure that the Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP) is adhered to when the flat owners rent out their flats;

(b) whether there are rules in place to ensure compliance with this policy when flats are rented out; and

(c) if so, whether HDB conducts checks or assessments to ensure that the sanctity of the EIP is maintained.


The Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP) applies to the sale and purchase of all HDB flats, as well as HDB public rental flats. Tenants who rent HDB flats on the open market are not subject to the EIP, as their stays are typically temporary in nature, and do not affect the ethnic proportions in our public housing estates in the longer term.  

Instead, flat owners who rent out their flats to one or more non-citizen tenants are subject to the Non-Citizen Quota. The quota helps to maintain the Singaporean character of our HDB heartlands. All HDB owners are required to seek HDB’s approval and ensure that they meet the quota, before renting out their flats.

HDB conducts regular inspections of flats to ensure that all flat owners adhere to HDB’s regulations. Unauthorised renting out of HDB flats is a serious infringement of the lease, and HDB will take firm action against any errant flat owners.