Oral Answer by Ministry of National Development on encouraging companies to achieve BCA Green Mark for Super Low Energy certification

Feb 26, 2020

Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for National Development what plans does the Ministry have to encourage companies in the private sector to achieve the BCA Green Mark for Super Low Energy Buildings certification.


BCA launched the Super Low Energy Programme in 2018 to encourage developers and building owners to achieve best-in-class building energy performance in a cost effective manner. The response from the industry has been positive, and as of December 2019, 18 buildings have achieved the BCA Green Mark for Super Low Energy certification.

To drive the adoption of Super Low Energy buildings, BCA worked with the industry and academia to develop a Technology Roadmap, which comprises 60 strategies and technologies that building owners can adopt to increase energy efficiency. We have also enhanced the Green Buildings Innovation Cluster programme with a $20 million top-up last year. The programme aims to accelerate the adoption of Super Low Energy buildings through funding the research, development, and prototyping of energy efficient building solutions.  Through this programme, building owners and developers can work with research partners to develop innovative green technologies for building applications, and conduct large-scale demonstrations to assess their feasibility in the local context. In addition, BCA has established the Super Low Energy Building Smart Hub to facilitate the exchange of knowledge on energy efficient technologies amongst industry stakeholders.  This is an open database of green building technologies supported by building energy data and analytic tools. The Smart Hub also has an online advisory function to recommend customised retrofitting plans for building owners and developers to green their buildings.

We will continue to work with industry stakeholders to encourage companies to achieve the BCA Green Mark for Super Low Energy certification.