Oral answer by Ministry of National Development on designating more marine spaces as marine parks and protecting marine wildlife and coastal habitats

Nov 28, 2022

Questions No: 3809 and 3853

Questions by: Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang and Ms Nadia Ahmad Samdin

*3809 Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang asked the Minister for National Development (a) whether the Ministry is considering the designation of more marine spaces as marine parks; (b) what are the factors that the Ministry takes into account in determining such designations; and (c) whether the Ministry will consider designating St John’s Island as a marine park.

* 3853 Ms Nadia Ahmad Samdin asked the Minister for National Development whether the Government can consider further research and gazetting special designated zones in sea spaces to protect marine wildlife and coastal habitats balanced against development, in particular given the sightings of dugongs around Changi Beach, Pulau Tekong and Pulau Ubin.


          Members have asked whether the Government is considering designating additional protected marine spaces.

In 2014, we established the Sisters’ Islands Marine Park, which includes the western reefs of St John’s Island and Pulau Tekukor, to promote conservation, research, outreach and sustainable nature-based recreation in this area. In designating the Sisters’ Islands Marine Park, we considered the area’s marine biodiversity, its wide range of marine habitats and its ecological functions. We also considered other factors, such as the area’s accessibility and its existing use.

NParks will continue to research the ecological status and functions of our marine areas and study how best to protect them, including considering additional marine parks. For instance, through the Marine Climate Change Science programme, we are collaborating with research institutes and industry partners to study the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems and to develop relevant solutions. We will continue to work closely with the marine community on these matters.