Opening remarks by SMS Tan Kiat How at the ITE Sustainable Built Environment Seminar 2023 at ITE College East

Aug 4, 2023


  1. A very good morning to everyone. Thank you for inviting me to join the inaugural Sustainable Built Environment Seminar 2023, and to witness the Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ITE and Henning Asia Pte Ltd.


  2. Singapore has set an ambitious goal for ourselves – achieve net zero emissions by 2050.


    a. This will depend on the development of emerging decarbonisation technologies, and effective international cooperation.


  3. With buildings accounting for nearly 40% of global emissions and over 20% locally, greening the built environment is crucial in meeting our goal.


  4. This is aptly recognised in today’s seminar theme – “Achieving a Sustainable and Carbon Neutral Built Environment”.


  5. As we make this transition towards a greener and more sustainable built environment (BE), we will need to equip our workforce with the relevant capabilities. We will also require deeper collaboration across the value chain.


    a. Hence, I am glad that through this seminar, we will seek to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration between our industry partners, Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), and students.


  6. Today, I will briefly touch on how we are greening the built environment, and the exciting job opportunities across the value chain.


    Green Jobs in the Built Environment

  7. With strong support from the industry and community, we launched the latest edition of the Singapore Green Building Masterplan (SGBMP) in 2021. You will be hearing more about this during the seminar, but allow me to say a few words.


    a. Let us take each segment of the BE sector in turn – new buildings, existing buildings, and finally facilities management.


  8. First, new buildings. We have set a target for 80% of new developments to be Super Low Energy (SLE) by 2030.


    a. These are buildings that achieve energy savings of over 60% as compared to 2005 levels.


  9. We can tap on a range of technologies to design our buildings to be energy-efficient.


    a. For example, the SMU Connexion building uses a Passive Displacement cooling system.

    b. This makes use of convectional currents to circulate cool air throughout most of the building.

    c. It can achieve energy savings of up to 40% over conventional air-conditioning systems.


  10. The Government is taking the lead with public sector buildings, and we are encouraging the private sector to do likewise.


    a. For example, new developments on non-Government Land Sales sites can receive bonus Gross Floor Area for meeting Green Mark Platinum SLE standards, among other requirements.


  11. As we bring SLE standards into the mainstream, there will be a growing demand for Building Information Modelling (BIM) and energy modelling specialists.


    a. They can help to incorporate passive and active design features into our buildings, thereby reducing its energy consumption.


  12. Besides greening our new developments, we will also need to retrofit our existing building stock.


    a. These buildings may not have been designed with sustainability in mind, and some have lagged behind as building standards have improved over the years.


  13. This is why we launched an incentive scheme last year, to co-fund the cost of retrofits for buildings that achieve at least Green Mark Platinum standards.

  14. We will also introduce a new Mandatory Energy improvement regime by 2024.


    a. Under this regime, owners of buildings with poor energy performance will be required to undertake energy audits and implement energy efficiency improvement measures.


  15. This is where professionals who are familiar with advanced energy efficient technologies and renewable energy systems can play an important role.


    a. For example, solar engineers can help to design and install solar photovoltaic systems that can be installed on existing buildings in a way that maximises the amount of sunlight captured.


  16. Further downstream, we will need to ensure that our buildings continue to operate efficiently throughout their lifespan.


    a. We have encouraged the use of smart technologies for building maintenance, which will allow firms to reap resource savings.

    b. This includes kickstarting the adoption of Integrated FM (IFM) and Aggregated FM (AFM). By managing different FM services in an integrated manner and aggregating across multiple buildings, firms can leverage on greater economies of scale and optimise the use of resources.


  17. This transition towards resource-efficient maintenance regimes will not only contribute to sustainability, but also create new and exciting jobs.


    a. For example, centralised operation managers will be required to implement IFM and AFM, and leverage digital platforms to coordinate the allocation of manpower, resources, and tasks across buildings.


  18. There are immense opportunities within the built environment, and the demand for green skills will only grow as we make our city more sustainable.


    a. It is therefore crucial to focus on developing our workforce capabilities to meet these evolving needs and build a greener future together. 

    Developing Workforce Capabilities

  19. To help our students and graduates capture these emerging opportunities, we have worked with our academic institutions and industry stakeholders to develop various pathways.


  20. For instance, through ITE’s Work-Study Diploma programme with industry partners, ITE graduates receive practical training at the workplace while continuing to upskill themselves.


    a. This allows graduates to bridge theory and practice, and gain a head start in their careers.

    b. Today, over 90% of graduates from the programme are currently working in careers relevant to their course of study.


  21. One such example is Mr Muhammad Amirul Asraf Bin Indera Aswan, who graduated with a Diploma in Mechanical and Electrical Services Supervision last year.


    a. I am happy to hear that Mr Amirul is currently working at Keong Hong Construction Pte Ltd as a Mechanical and Electrical Services Coordinator.

    b. He had the exciting opportunity to work on Keong Hong’s first advanced precast project, where he collaborated with architects, engineers and contractors to ensure a seamless integration of energy-efficient M&E building services.

    c. I look forward to seeing more graduates like him contribute to the sector.


  22. ITE is also offering more diverse progression pathways to its graduates, such as through the launch of the Technical Engineer Diploma in Civil and Structural Engineering in April this year.


    a. The curriculum is developed in collaboration with Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong, and tailored for the local context.

  23. Today’s MOU signing between ITE and Henning Asia further demonstrates how close partnership between our IHLs and industry are key to realising these pathways.


    a. Under the MOU, ITE and Henning Asia will be deepening cooperation in the field of Remote Monitoring Systems for Lifts and Escalators.

    b. This collaboration will not only add value to our students’ learning, but will also provide the industry with a ready pool of skilled workers.


  24. At the same time, we are equipping our workforce with sustainability capabilities.


  25. For mid-career entrants and existing employees, we have the Career Conversion Programme (CCP) for Sustainability Professionals in the BE sector.


    a. The CCP supports individuals to reskill and take on sustainability business functions, such as carbon management and sustainability reporting which are growing in demand.

    b. It will also support BE companies to hire in new sustainability job roles to ride on the green wave.


  26. I encourage students, workers and companies to tap on these various schemes and programmes.


    a. Upskill and reskill, so that you can seize the opportunities in the emerging green economy.



  27. To conclude, as part of Forward Singapore, we are actively engaging citizens on how we can reshape society for the next bound of our nation’s journey.


  28. We will continue to forge a social compact which ensures good opportunities for all, and create a multitude of pathways to realise these opportunities.


  29. Everyone has a role to play, from the Government and IHLs, to the private sector and down to the individual.


  30. Together, we can build a better and brighter Singapore.


  31. I wish everyone a fruitful seminar filled with knowledge exchange, collaboration, and inspiration. Thank you!