Closing Remarks by SMS Sim Ann at 10th Singapore-Tianjin Economic & Trade Council Meeting, Tianjin

Sep 27, 2024

Today’s STETC meeting has been very fruitful. We had a good dialogue where both sides shared interesting ideas and new opportunities for collaboration. Our teams have also reported a good slate of deliverables. They reflect the concrete steps our countries have taken to materialise Tianjin Eco-City as an upgraded National Green Development Demonstration Zone. They also illustrate the strides we made in expanding economic cooperation across a range of growth sectors in Tianjin.

Looking ahead, our countries face the common challenges of mitigating climate change, greening our economies, and providing for an ageing society. Through bilateral cooperation, we can transform these challenges into new opportunities for our enterprises. I look forward to seeing our companies strengthen mutual learning and collaboration in growth sectors, such as green shipping, net-zero urban solutions and the silver industry.

Over the years, business ties between Singapore and Tianjin have continued to deepen. This is made possible only through the unwavering support of enterprises and officials from both sides. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends from both countries, including those who are here with us today. Your contributions have been invaluable in helping us realise Singapore – Tianjin cooperation to its fullest potential. Please let me say a few words in Mandarin.


我期待双方携手,把新津合作推上新高度,为两国 ‘全方位高质量前瞻性伙伴关系’ 落实更多成果。

在此, 我代表李智陞部长和全体新加坡拜访团,对天津同仁的盛情款待,和为我们行程所做的精心安排,表示由衷的感谢。我也要预祝中方朋友们十一国庆日快乐、阖家幸福安康,谢谢。