Award of Construction Tender for Redevelopment of the Float @ Marina Bay into NS Square

Sep 6, 2023


– The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and the Ministry of National Development (MND) will be awarding the construction tender for the redevelopment of The Float @ Marina Bay into NS Square to Expand Construction Pte Ltd.

1 Marina Bay has been the centrepiece of Singapore’s urban transformation, and illustrates Singapore’s long-term planning approach to create liveable, sustainable and endearing places for present and future generations to live, work and play. In 2017, it was announced that The Float @ Marina Bay will be redeveloped and renamed as NS Square, to serve as a tribute to all  past and present national servicemen – a permanent and prominent reminder of the central role that National Service plays in ensuring Singapore’s peace and prosperity. When completed, NS Square will be a unique venue to stage large-scale national and community events such as the National Day Parade, River Hongbao, and the Marina Bay Singapore Countdown. It will also provide spaces within Marina Bay for the public to enjoy community and recreational activities. NS Square will feature community sports facilities, a new public waterfront promenade and an NS-themed gallery. The new permanent stage deck and grandstand will have an increased seating capacity of about 30,000, and the waterfront promenade around the stage which will be opened all year round will improve pedestrian connectivity around the bay area.

2 The redevelopment of The Float @ Marina Bay is part of efforts to constantly rejuvenate our urban environment, and it will further strengthen Marina Bay’s position as a precinct for the public to come together, reflect our local identity and provide Singaporeans with a sense of belonging.

3 Following the construction tender which was held from 14 Oct 2022 to 19 Jan 2023 (see Annex for details), Expand Construction Pte Ltd will be appointed as the main contractor to construct and deliver the redevelopment.

4 The redevelopment works are scheduled to start in Q3 2023, and targeted to be completed by 2027. To facilitate the construction works, the stretch of the Marina Promenade in front of The Float @ Marina Bay will be hoarded up and closed to pedestrian traffic (see Annex B) from 06 Sep 2023 (Wed).  Members of the public are advised to use the alternative pedestrian walkway route along Raffles Avenue, until the construction is completed.



A 2-stage Price-Quality Method (PQM) was adopted in accordance with the Government tendering procedures for the construction tender. The Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) called for an open tender for the construction of NS Square on 14 Oct 2022. On the closing date of 19 Jan 2023, thirteen submissions by six companies were received.

All six companies were then shortlisted based on their finance and safety records, understanding of the project requirements and site condition, as well as track record and relevant experience.

A Tender Evaluation Panel assessed that the submission by Expand Construction Pte Ltd best meets the construction requirement. They have a strong record in marine works around Marina Bay, and have completed projects such as the Marina Bay Waterfront Promenade and Esplanade Waterfront Theatre.


Figure 1: Closure of Part of the Marina Promenade for the Redevelopment of NS Square

Annex B