Alliance for Action (AFA) on Norms for Joss Paper Burning - Update on Lunar New Year Public Education Campaign
May 9, 2024
The Alliance for Action (AfA) on Norms for Joss Paper Burning conducted its Lunar New Year Public Education Campaign from 1 to 18 Feb 2024. This marks the AfA’s second public education campaign, since its formation in July 2022.
2 The campaign focused on clarifying misconceptions surrounding joss paper burning and promoted awareness for responsible joss paper burning practices, to better mitigate related dis-amenities. Its key messages were as follows:
1. 新年到了万象更新,齐心协力确保环境更清洁。 As we usher in the Lunar New Year, let’s accumulate merits by being considerate to our neighbourhood and the environment. 2. 接送神明拜天公,虔诚祭拜与了解初衷。不需在公共走廊焚烧金纸。 There is no need to burn joss paper along common corridors for your prayers to be received. 3. 购买大型纸制祭品前,请查看焚烧桶的尺寸是否容纳得下。祭拜后,请清理香烛祭品, 保持环境清洁。 Ensure that offerings fit into the joss paper burners provided by Town Councils before purchasing them. Please clear up your offerings after your prayers. 4. 不妨考虑到邻近庙宇进行祭拜活动。 Consider doing new year prayer rituals in temples instead of residential estates. |
Feedback on joss paper burning fell by 25% during Lunar New Year in 2024, an all-time low since 2015
3 Following the conclusion of the public education campaign, the Municipal Services Office (MSO) observed a 25% drop in feedback related to joss paper burning during Lunar New Year 2024, compared to 2023 figures. The volume of feedback received by Town Councils and government agencies fell from 761 cases in 2023[1] to 567 cases in 2024, an all-time low since MSO was set up in 2015.
4 Feedback related to joss paper burning has steadily declined over the course of AfA’s two Lunar New Year campaigns, seeing a 36% decrease in feedback compared to Lunar New Year 2022, which was before the formation of the AfA in July 2022.
5 The peak period for joss paper burning during Lunar New Year typically occurs on the 8th and 9th Day, which coincides with the Jade Emperor’s Birthday, i.e. 拜天公. This year, the volume of feedback received on these two days fell to 181 cases, as compared to 280 cases received in 2023. Please see Chart 1 for more details.
Chart 1: Joss Paper Burning Feedback Received by Town Councils and Government Agencies During the 1st – 15th Day of Lunar New Year

AfA’s public education messages widely disseminated on the ground
6 The AfA had shared its key messages via (a) posters and videos displayed at Digital Display Panels (DDPs) of HDB estates; (b) digital posters during the River Hongbao; (c) hardcopy posters displayed at Town Councils’ noticeboards; and (d) radio ads on Capital 95.8FM and Love 97.2FM. Refer to Annex A for the samples. The AfA members also shared the key messages with their own networks, which included religious goods retailers and clan associations, among others. See Annex B for the composition of the AfA.
7 The AfA, supported by MSO, had also organised a public dialogue involving about 120 residents on 1 Feb 2024, before the start of 2024 Lunar New Year. During the dialogue, the panel which comprised AfA members - Venerable Shi You Guang, Master Chung Kwang Tong, and Mr Dong Nong Zheng, and Mr Tan Kian Choon, a volunteer at various Chinese Clan associations, had conveyed the 4 key messages to the dialogue participants, and encouraged them to be considerate towards the environment and their neighbours when burning joss paper.
8 Mr Kua Soon Khe, Co-lead of the AfA, said: “The AfA’s efforts highlight the importance of observing our customs and traditional practices in a considerate and responsible manner. I would like to credit the positive results to the sustained efforts of the AfA members since its inception, as well as the cooperation from the Chinese community.”
9 Ms Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State for National Development and Adviser to the AfA, said: “The AfA exemplifies how the Government can collaborate with our community partners to create a better living environment. By tapping into their expertise and strong roots in the Chinese community, the AfA has delivered concrete results in helping the public adopt socially responsible norms and habits when it comes to joss paper burning. This is an excellent example of how we can all come together to co-create solutions to benefit the community.”
10 The AfA on Norms for Joss Paper Burning is a cross-sectoral collaboration involving stakeholders from the community, businesses, and government with the goal of forging a consensus within the Chinese community on desired norms for the traditional custom of joss paper burning. Its next public education campaign will be rolled out during the 7th Lunar Month this year. For more information on the work of the AfA, please visit
Issued by:
Alliance for Action (AfA) on Norms for Joss Paper Burning
9 May 2024
Annex A: Public education materials during LNY 2024
Annex B: Composition of the AfA
The public education materials are available for download on the AfA’s website at
Poster displayed during Lunar New Year 2024

Video displayed during Lunar New Year 2024

Name | Designation |
Co-chairs |
Kua Soon Khe 柯孙科 | Chief Executive, Singapore Buddhist Federation 《新加坡佛教总会》 |
Hong Poh Hin 洪宝兴 BBM | Treasurer, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations 《新加坡宗乡会馆和总会》 Chairman, Singapore Foochow Association 《新加坡福州会馆》 Chairman, Foochow Coffee Restaurant and Bar Merchants Association《福州咖啡酒餐商公会》 |
Members |
Venerable Shi You Wei 释有维法师 | Abbot, Di Zang Lin 《地藏林》 Chairman of Education Committee, Singapore Buddhist Federation《新加坡佛教总会》 |
Venerable Shi You Guang 释有广法师 | Abbot, Dong Xun Ge (Samantabhadra Vihara) 《东眴阁》 Secretary-General, Singapore Buddhist Federation《新加坡佛教总会》 |
Master Benjamin Tan 陈贤达道长 | Leader of Prayer & Blessing Group, Special Committee Member, Taoist Federation (Singapore) 《新加坡道教总会》 |
Liow Kok Ann | Board Member, Wat Ananda 《阿南达弥提雅拉玛泰佛寺》 |
Pua Luck Kheng 潘乐敬 | Unit Manager, Kong Meng San Phor Kark See 《光明山普觉禅寺》 |
Yeo Cheong Hua 杨昌华 | Chairman, Singapore Religious Goods Merchants Association 《新加坡神料同业商会》 |
Hoo Hung Chye 何鸿材 | Executive Director, The Association of Funeral Directors Singapore 《新加坡殡葬协会》 |
Master Chung Kwang Tong (Wei Yi) 庄光栋(惟义)道长 | President, Quan Zhen Cultural Society 《新加坡全真教化协会》 |
Dr Benjie Ng Ser Kwei 黄思快博士 | General Secretary, Soon Thian Keing (Tua Konsi) Ltd 《顺天宫》 |
Dong Nong Zheng 董农政 | Geomancer and Interpreter on Chinese Customs and Folk Belief |
Choo Chee Wee, Bernard 朱志伟 | Editor, Shin Min Daily News 《新明日报》 |
Chua Chim Kang 蔡深江 | Chief Editor, MediaCorp Chinese News & Current Affairs 《新传媒新闻》 |
[1] Our media factsheet released on 15 Feb 2023 previously announced that the feedback volume fell by 70%, from 886 cases during Lunar New Year in 2022 to 282 cases in 2023. This is incorrect as it was calculated based on a preliminary dataset. The correct figure should be a 14% drop in feedback volume (i.e. 761 cases in 2023).