Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on whether the Ministry will require that renovation contractors provide good soundproofing so that loud drilling and hacking does not affect neighbouring residents and notices of renovation works

Jul 6, 2021

Ms Joan Pereira: To ask the Minister for National Development considering that working from home and home-based learning will occur frequently, whether the Ministry will require that (i) renovation contractors provide good soundproofing so that loud drilling and hacking does not affect neighbouring residents and (ii) notices of renovation works be placed at lift lobbies at least one week in advance so that neighbours are better able to prepare and make adjustments to work and study arrangements. 


HDB regulates renovation works that may affect the structural integrity of the HDB block, such as the demolition of walls and hacking of flooring. Hacking work can only be carried out on weekdays, with only up to two approved handheld power tools in use at any point in time, and must be completed within three days. Contractors that carry out these works are also required to close the doors and windows of the flat during renovations to minimise the noise generated. However, due to the nature of hacking and drilling works, there is a limit to the extent to which soundproofing can reduce noise vibrations transmitted through the walls, ceilings or floor. 

Renovation contractors are required to put up a Notice of Renovation Works outside the flat being renovated during the renovation period, displaying the contact details of the renovation contractor, the duration of the renovation, and the dates of the hacking works. HDB does not require these contractors to paste the notice at lift lobbies to avoid cluttering walls in the common areas though individual Town Councils can allow this. In addition, from July 2021, HDB residents will be able to receive and view notices for upcoming flat renovation works at their blocks, that have been approved by HDB, through the OneService App.

Additionally, contractors are required to inform households within a radius of two flats of the unit being renovated, including the upper and lower floor neighbours, at least three days in advance of the impending renovation works, to give the neighbours advance notice and time to make prior adjustments. Given the current situation where more residents are working and studying from home, HDB will look into the Member’s suggestion to increase the advance notice from the current three days, to a week. 

Renovation works that do not affect the structural integrity of the HDB block, such as electrical and carpentry works, are not regulated by HDB. Nonetheless, as these works may also generate some noise, HDB will advise the flat owners and their contractors to adopt measures to minimise the noise generated and keep their immediate neighbours informed of the works in advance. For strata-titled developments such as condominiums, management corporations are empowered to enact by-laws to manage the development, and can consider adopting similar measures to mitigate the impact of noise generated from renovation works. 

We empathise with residents who need to work or study from home given the COVID-19 situation, and who could therefore be affected by renovation noise. At the same time, new flat owners may need to renovate their flats, sometimes urgently, so that they can move into their new homes as soon as possible. In Singapore’s high density living environment, some amount of noise is inevitable and some give-and-take will be necessary. We have seen instances on the ground where contractors have adjusted the schedule for renovation works after being approached by affected residents.  Residents who need assistance can approach HDB, who will help to facilitate alternatives, including providing information on the prevailing available alternative work and study spaces, such as those in community centres and commercial co-working spaces, and working with MOM to see if the resident can return to the office, subject to safe management measures. 

We thank Singaporeans for your efforts and patience during this period, and seek your continued understanding as we adapt to new work-life arrangements and tackle the COVID-19 pandemic together.