Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on thermal comfort as pre-requisite for Green Mark certification

Sep 13, 2016

Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for National Development whether BCA will consider setting the criteria of thermal comfort as a pre-requisite requirement for air-conditioned spaces in all new and existing non-residential buildings including commercial, industrial and institutional buildings as part of its Green Mark Award certification schemes.


The Green Mark certification scheme was launched in 2005 to shape a greener and more sustainable built environment. The scheme allows developers to evaluate and benchmark their buildings to established environmental performance standards. There are both pre-requisite and voluntary criteria in the certification process.

Under the revised Green Mark certification scheme of 2015, designing for thermal comfort is now a pre-requisite for certification for all new non-residential buildings. This includes commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. The specifications for thermal comfort are based on the Singapore Standards on air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation in buildings.

Thermal comfort is currently a voluntary criterion for existing non-residential buildings applying for Green Mark certification today. BCA is reviewing the scheme and will consult industry stakeholders for their views.

Ultimately, how comfortable the indoor environment is depends on how the building is operated. We encourage building owners and managers to be responsive to the needs of their tenants and dwellers.