Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on the Tampines Integrated Municipal Operations Pilot

Apr 5, 2021

Mr Leong Mun Wai: To ask the Minister for National Development whether local companies will be given priority in bidding for the pilot Tampines Municipal Services project in order to build local capability for future.  

Mr Leong Mun Wai: To ask the Minister for National Development how does the Ministry intend to delegate law enforcement powers to a commercial entity in the pilot Tampines Municipal Services Project given that the successful bidder will not be a government agency.


MND agrees with the importance of building local capability in the facilities management (FM) sector.  Our tender requirements for the Tampines Integrated Municipal Operations Pilot emphasise upskilling, cross-training and smarter deployment of FM workers, regardless whether the Tenderers are local or foreign companies.  As we scale this new service delivery model, these tenets will over time raise FM workforce capabilities and encourage more Singaporeans to take on the good jobs thus created. 

At the same time, as a signatory to the World Trade Organisation’s Agreement on Government Procurement and various Free Trade Agreements, the Singapore Government will continue to assess all tender proposals, including those for the Integrated Municipal Operations Pilot, based on merit.  This will help the Government obtain best value for municipal service delivery in Tampines, including the workforce upgrading outcomes described above. 

Our laws already allow for the appointment of non-public officers for certain enforcement functions today.  For example, the Police Force Act has provisions for the appointment and empowerment of non-public officers to maintain peace and good order, and the Environment Public Health Act and National Environment Agency Act for enforcement against littering.  The appointed Operator will similarly be empowered by these legislation to carry out enforcement services contracted under the Tampines Pilot.