Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on the sustainability and energy efficiency measures for NS Square

Mar 2, 2020

Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for National Development with regard to the procurement process for the future NS Square:
(a) whether sustainability and energy use are factors considered in the shortlisting and selection of the design proposal;
(b) if so, what are the specific measures of sustainability and energy use that the Ministry considered; and
(c) if not, why are these two factors not considered in the process.


Like all new large public sector buildings, the future NS Square will be required to attain the Building and Construction Authority’s (BCA) Green Mark Platinum rating. The assessment takes into consideration factors such as the building’s energy and water efficiency, and its operations and maintenance practices, including the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly products. 

In addition, shortlisted teams have the flexibility to propose other green features that can further enhance the sustainability and energy efficiency of the development. Agencies are evaluating the shortlisted design proposals for NS Square and will take into consideration the measures proposed to enhance sustainability and energy efficiency.