Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on proposal to ban the practice of declawing cats

Mar 2, 2022

Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for National Development whether the Ministry will consider banning the practice of declawing cats and, if not, why not.


1          NParks takes a firm stance against the practice of declawing cats. Such a procedure should only be performed as an absolute last resort, or as an alternative to euthanasia.

2          NParks has a framework in place to regulate this practice. The Code of Ethics for Veterinarians requires veterinarians to advise pet owners of non-surgical alternatives and to ensure that all reasonable efforts have been made to manage or treat the issue prior to declawing. Failure to do so can result in written warnings, composition fines, or even suspension or revocation of veterinary licences. This regulatory approach remains relevant. NParks will also continue to work with its animal welfare partners to educate pet owners, such as through the Animal and Veterinary Service’s webinars and Pets’ Day Out workshops, on alternative ways to manage the behavioural issues of cats.

3          Should the public come across suspected cases where declawing of cats has been performed without due justification, we ask that they inform NParks, so that it can investigate and take the necessary actions.