Written answer by Ministry of National Development on plans to educate residents of future green residential sites on the strategies for human-wildlife coexistence

Nov 7, 2022

Ms Nadia Ahmad Samdin: To ask the Minister for National Development whether there are any plans to educate potential residents of future green residential sites like Tengah and Dover on the strategies for human-wildlife coexistence, as being especially close to forested areas, there may be an increase in incursions by wildlife into urban spaces.


          We work closely with the community to promote human-wildlife co-existence, as part of our holistic approach to wildlife management. For example, NParks and HDB have been engaging residents living near nature areas, such as in the Bidadari estate, on how to sensitively appreciate local biodiversity. At HDB’s MyNiceHome Roadshows, NParks has shared about common wildlife species that residents may encounter near their homes, as well as tips on how they can safely share spaces with wildlife.

2        NParks and HDB will continue to work together to engage residents living close to nature areas on strategies for human-wildlife co-existence. We will also continue to engage the wider community on these issues, through platforms such as school assembly talks and public webinars.