Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on options for EC owners who have not completed MOP if they divorce

Oct 10, 2016

Ms Cheng Li Hui: To ask the Minister for National Development for owners of Executive Condominiums who have not completed the Minimum Occupation Period, what sale and accommodation options are available to them when they divorce, particularly if they have children. 


Owners who have bought an Executive Condominium (EC) unit from the developer are required to fulfil the 5-year Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) before they can sell it in the open market. 

Where the owners are divorced before completing the MOP of the EC unit, one party may retain the EC unit if he/she meets the eligibility conditions to own an EC unit. Divorcees with children under their custody, care and control form an eligible family nucleus and would be able to retain the EC unit. Divorcees who have no children under their custody, care and control may include their parents or a new spouse as a co-owner to retain the EC unit. 

If none of the owners are eligible to retain the EC unit, HDB may consider allowing them to sell the unit before fulfilling the MOP, based on the merits of the case. The divorced parties may then seek out alternative housing options on their own, including staying with family members, buying a resale flat, or renting a room or flat from the open market.