Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on obstruction of common areas

Jan 19, 2015

Mr Zaqy Mohamad: To ask the Minister for National Development:- 

(a) whether the Ministry has plans to address the issue of obstruction of common areas which is the problem accounting for about 32% of all estate maintenance issues for Town Councils; and 

(b) how can the Ministry create national awareness and public education on how such obstructions are potential fire hazards and can hamper fire evacuations during emergencies.


MND takes a serious view of obstructions in common areas. Not only do such obstructions inhibit the use of the common areas, they are potential fire hazards and may hamper evacuation during emergencies. 

Hence, Town Councils (TCs) have by-laws to regulate the use of the common property, including the placing of objects at common areas. These by-laws are typically guided by Singapore Civil Defence Force’s (SCDF) guidelines. The TCs work closely with SCDF to regulate and carry out enforcement actions on residents who cause such obstructions. 
To raise awareness amongst residents on the dangers of obstructions, HDB organizes regular exhibitions, roadshows, public talks and school outreaches. HDB also actively promotes gracious and harmonious living in HDB towns through programmes such as the Good Neighbours Movement and the Heartland Ambassadors Programme. 

On the TCs’ end, the TCs use various platforms such as the TC websites, newsletters and posters on Notice Boards at void decks to reach out to their residents. Residents should also play their part by removing corridor clutter to ensure a safe and pleasant living environment for all.