Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on HDB tenants defaulting on rental payments

Sep 12, 2022

Mr Mohd Fahmi Bin Aliman: To ask the Minister for National Development

how many tenants renting flats from HDB have defaulted on their rental payments in the first six months of 2022;
how many of such tenants have had the late charges on their rental payments waived on compassionate grounds; and
for tenants who have passed on, what are the alternative repayment arrangements.


From January to June 2022:

1. There were about 6,800 public rental households, on average, who were in rental arrears of 3 months or more;

2. about 1,200 public rental households in total were granted a waiver of their late payment charges.

2          HDB reaches out to understand the difficulties that households in rental arrears face, and takes a holistic approach to assist them. Besides actively advising and guiding the affected households, HDB will consider reducing their rent and referring them to MSF’s Social Service Offices for appropriate assistance. Late payment charges can be waived for tenants who take steps to address their rental arrears, such as working out a repayment plan or seeking financial assistance from the relevant agencies.

3          For tenants who have passed on, if the flat has no other occupiers, HDB will terminate the tenancy and write off any remaining debts. If the flat has other occupiers, HDB will work with them to address the arrears.