Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on demerit point system for recalcitrant neighbours who repeatedly create noise nuisance and other disamenities

Mar 8, 2022

Mr Yip Hon Weng: To ask the Minister for National Development whether the Ministry will consider setting up a demerit point system for residents who are recalcitrant neighbours who repeatedly create noise nuisance and other community disamenities.


1     In responding to neighbourly disputes that arise from disturbances created by residents, government agencies will first seek to fact-find and facilitate dialogue and discussion among neighbours, in order to enhance mutual understanding and achieve a consensus among the neighbours involved. This addresses the root cause of the problem while strengthening the relationship among neighbours. Most cases of neighbour disputes are resolved through such efforts at dialogue and mediation.

2    We do recognise that for some cases, the persons involved could persist in creating disturbances for the neighbourhood. The member would be aware of an ongoing inter-agency review of the Community Dispute Management Framework (CDMF), which has been studying different ways to more effectively address egregious and persistent cases of neighbour disputes, involving disturbances such as noise. MND is taking part in this review. We are considering ways to strengthen the management of neighbour disputes, so that residents are held to greater responsibility for their actions. While there are currently no plans to adopt a demerit point system, we do intend to consult the public on ideas and suggestions that can help establish clearer norms for daily life in the community. We are also studying ways to empower agencies to take more decisive actions in addressing protracted and egregious dispute cases.