Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on coordinating and expediting Estate Upgrading Programme works

Aug 15, 2016

Dr Tan Wu Meng: To ask the Minister for National Development what measures are undertaken under the Estate Upgrading Programme for private estates to better co-ordinate and expedite the works performed by external partners providing telephony, gas supply and other such utilities.


Every effort is made to co-ordinate and expedite the various types of work performed under the Estate Upgrading Programme. Attempts are made to coordinate EUP improvement works with other public works like drainage upgrading by PUB.

For drainage upgrading in particular, this sometimes involves temporary disruptions to telecommunications, electrical and gas services. To minimise these disruptions, PUB engages residents prior to commencement of the works, while maintaining close coordination with external service providers. PUB also updates residents on the progress of the works.  

From time to time, external service providers may carry out road works like laying telecommunication lines, gas pipes or electrical cables. These service providers will have to seek LTA’s prior approval. If these providers have works along the same stretch of road, LTA will facilitate coordination between the parties and require them to stage their works sequentially. When the last party has completed its works, the affected stretch of road will then be properly resurfaced. This arrangement speeds up the entire process and minimises road occupation and inconvenience to road users and residents.

I want to assure Members that for EUP construction projects, both PUB and LTA are involved in the EUP coordination meetings. The BCA/EUP consultant as the overall project coordinator, would then be alerted of other works affecting the project, and coordinate with the relevant parties on the works.

I hope Members understand that while we aim to minimise inconvenience to residents, there will always be some level of dis-amenity and inconvenience while the works are in progress.