Written answer by Ministry of National Development on consultation with user groups when reviewing Code on Accessibility in Built Environment

Nov 29, 2022

Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for National Development

(a) when reviewing the Code on Accessibility in the Built Environment, whether the Ministry will consult user groups such as breastfeeding mothers, differently-abled individuals, and seniors in updating the Code;
(b) if yes, what is the timeline for the consultations and the review; and
(c) if not, why not.


          Since its introduction in 1990, the Code on Accessibility in the Built Environment has undergone regular reviews, with its scope progressively expanded to better meet the changing needs of the population.  BCA has consulted stakeholders extensively in this process.

2.       In the most recent review to develop the latest version of the Code in 2019, BCA formed a Code Review Committee, comprising representatives from social service agencies, trade associations & chambers, academia and government agencies. The Committee consulted a wide range of stakeholders, including industry professionals and members of the public, and studied the needs of various segments of society and requirements in other jurisdictions. A draft version of the Code was also published for public consultation via the BCA and REACH websites.

3.       The next review of the Code will commence next year. BCA will continue to consult various stakeholders extensively when reviewing the Code, to ensure that the needs of user groups such as persons with disabilities, seniors and nursing mothers are taken into account.

Issued by:    Ministry of National Development

Date         :   29 Nov 2022