Written answer by Ministry of National Development on complaints received on residential rental discrimination by age or race

Nov 8, 2022

Mr Chua Kheng Wee Louis: To ask the Minister for National Development

(a) whether the Ministry collects data on the number of complaints received on residential rental discrimination by age or race;
(b) if so, what are the annual number for the last five years; and
(c) what are the avenues of recourse for Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans when they encounter rental discrimination.


HDB does not collect and monitor data on complaints received on residential rental discrimination by age or race, as the rental of residential properties in the open market is a private agreement between the property owner and the tenant. HDB is not a party to the tenancy agreement signed between the landlord and the tenant.

2        Members of the public can lodge a complaint with CEA if they come across any potentially offensive or discriminatory advertisements by property agents. CEA’s regulatory guidelines require property agents to be sensitive to the multiracial, multi-religious, and multicultural nature of Singapore’s society. Property agents who fail to comply with these guidelines can be issued a written warning or be subject to disciplinary action which may result in financial penalties, suspension or revocation of their licence or registration. Should there be disputes between the flat owners and tenants, the party can seek legal recourse with their own solicitor.