Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on amendment to schemes to assist single parents

Sep 12, 2022

Mr Leon Perera: To ask the Minister for National Development following the amendment in March 2019 to the housing transition policy which allows parties to a divorce to apply to buy a subsidised HDB flat upon obtaining an interim judgment of divorce, whether the Ministry will consider also introducing this amendment to the Assistance Scheme for Second-Timers (ASSIST) and Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme (PPHS) for single parents with an interim judgment of divorce.


            Both the Assistance Scheme for Second-Timers (ASSIST) and the Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme (PPHS) are already open to single parents with an Interim Judgment of Divorce (IJ).

2          Since 2019, divorcing parties can apply for a flat from HDB once they have obtained an IJ, and have settled the ancillary matters relating to their matrimonial property and the custody, care and control of their child(ren). Those who are second-timers will be accorded priority under ASSIST if they apply for a 2-room Flexi or 3-room new flat in a non-mature estate, and meet the other eligibility conditions to purchase a flat. Those who have booked flats will also be eligible for PPHS if they meet the other eligibility conditions, such as citizenship and the income ceiling of $7,000.