Speech by MOS Zaqy Mohamad at the Society of Project Managers’ 23rd Annual Dinner

Sep 28, 2018

A very good evening. It is my pleasure to join you at your annual dinner today. 

Let me start by congratulating you on your 23rd anniversary. Over two decades, you have helped to raise standards of the project management profession in Singapore. You have also played an active role in promoting environmental sustainability, and workplace health and safety, which are important aspects in construction. As our projects grow in complexity and scale, there is an even stronger impetus for us to continue to build up our project management capabilities, and all of you, as project management professionals, play a key role in this regard.

Good project management is critical to the success of our projects. Project managers take on the important and complex task of integrating work across the entire construction value chain.  The winners of the Outstanding Project Manager Award this year, Mr Chang Kin Boon and Mr Lee Yun Sang, exemplify the competency and innovativeness of good project managers. Coincidentally, both their projects are part of the development of the MRT Downtown Line Stage 3, which is in itself a major engineering feat.  

Take for example, the construction of Fort Canning Station, which was managed by Mr Chang. The project was made even more challenging by the fact that the construction had to be carried out underneath a water body, amidst the crowded areas at Clarke Quay. With ingenuity and deft planning, Mr Chang was able to deliver the project safely and with minimal impact to the environment and the public, while keeping to the demanding timeline. 

As for Mr Lee, his project was not any easier! He was involved in the construction of the Expo Station for the Downtown Line. Mr Lee had to ensure the safety of commuters using the Expo Station on the East-West Line while building the underground interchange, electrical substation and a rail facility building. In doing so, Mr Lee not just completed his job, but he developed many innovative solutions which resulted in significant time and cost savings. As a result, the project received six awards at the LTA Annual Safety Award Conventions from 2014 to 2016.

Join me in congratulating both winners!

Transforming the Sector

As Singapore continues to develop, we need to constantly find new ways to improve our processes and build new capabilities. This will help our local firms differentiate themselves and develop a competitive edge to thrive not just locally but regionally, amidst intensifying global competition. 

In this regard, we launched the Construction Industry Transformation Map (ITM) in October last year. One of our strategies is to improve productivity through the use of technologies such as Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA). We also aim to optimise our processes across the construction value chain through Integrated Digital Delivery, or IDD. IDD allows for upfront integration at the design stage across various disciplines, including facilities management. That is a new thinking we are trying to do – to bring forward the design for maintainability to ensure that whatever we design has been thought through upfront rather than finding it not practical after designing and building it. IDD helps with that. This leads to more efficient and quality construction with less dis-amenities and less downstream maintenance issues. 

Building Capabilities of Project Managers

In tandem with our efforts to improve productivity, project managers also need to build proficiencies in the latest construction technologies, such as DfMA and IDD. This will help project managers meet clients’ rising expectations and the need to achieve better project outcomes. 

BCA will continue to work with you to develop progression pathways for project managers, and to identify skills and competencies needed based on construction trends. With clearer progression opportunities, the profession will become more attractive to potential young entrants as well as in-service personnel. To complement this push, BCA will also work with you to encourage employers in the fraternity to offer structured internships, and joint scholarships and sponsorships for further training. 

Leading the Profession forward

As a representative of project managers, you are well-placed to lead the project management profession as we transform the industry. I am happy to note that you are already part of this transformation effort by contributing actively in the BuildSG Tripartite Committee. BCA’s BuildSG office will also continue to support your efforts through your ITM action plan. Together, we can push the technological frontiers and revolutionise the way we build, manage and maintain our buildings. I look forward to your continued contribution in this exciting journey. And once again, congratulations on your 23rd anniversary and I hope that you have many more decades to come. 

I hope you have a wonderful evening ahead. I wish you all the best in your careers and projects. Thank you for having me here.