Speech by MOS Faishal Ibrahim at Singapore Contractors Association (SCAL) Lu Ban Dinner

Jul 30, 2023

1. Good evening. I am very glad to join you for this year’s Lu Ban Dinner.

2. I understand that SCAL has recently appointed its new Council of Management. Let me start by congratulating Mr Lee Kay Chai on your appointment as the new SCAL President.

a. At the same time, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the previous President, Mr Ng Yek Meng, for your years of service to the industry.

Importance of SCAL

3. SCAL has continued to grow from strength to strength since its establishment in 1937. Today, you represent more than 3,000 construction and related firms in Singapore.

4. I would like to thank SCAL for your strong and steadfast partnership with MND and BCA.

a. You have shared frank and candid views with us, enabling us to better understand the industry and its concerns, for example, as we worked together through the COVID-19 crisis.

b. You have also worked with us on numerous initiatives to improve the construction industry.

5. In the years ahead, we can expect a mix of both opportunities and challenges, and our strong partnership will be key to overcoming them successfully. Let me briefly highlight three key priorities that we should continue to work on together.

Raising Industry Standards Through Technology

6. First, technology. As part of the refreshed Built Environment Industry Transformation Map (BE ITM), we are driving the adoption of various technologies to enhance construction productivity.

    a. These include Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) technologies, which enable us to move construction work off-site into more productive, factory-like settings.

    b. The off-site facilities produce prefabricated building components, which can then be assembled at worksites by fewer workers, compared to more traditional building methods.

7. But we can further maximise our productivity gains. For example, we can drive greater automation in the prefabrication process.

    a. Many of our Integrated Construction and Prefabricated Hubs (ICPHs) are already using automation to produce consistent, high-quality Large Panel Slabs.

    b. There are opportunities to adopt even more automation. For instance, the Hong Leong – Sunway ICPH showcased its Automated Storage and Retrieval System at its launch last week.

8. Beyond improvements in facilities like ICPHs, some contractors have also seen success in enhancing on-site processes with the use of robots.

    a. For example, Teambuild has started to trial the use of plastering and painting robots.

    b. With their initial deployment of just three robots, Teambuild has estimated a 23% to 30% reduction in manpower.

9. The Government will continue to help firms transform their processes both off-site as well as on-site.

    a. For example, the Productivity Innovation Project (PIP) scheme helps firms adopt technologies to raise construction productivity.  To date, we have supported 78 projects since 2018, facilitating the adoption of productive technologies that include DfMA and Integrated Digital Delivery (IDD). This support extends to funding for equipment and systems required in ICPHs.

10. Additionally, firms can also make incremental changes to their internal workflows to achieve productivity gains. This includes the use of digital solutions, such as 3D modelling, coordination and collaboration tools, and facilities management workflow automation.

    a. The Government provides local SMEs up to 50% funding support for such solutions under the BE Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG), which has supported more than 800 construction and facilities management SMEs since 2020.

11. I encourage everyone to tap on the various resources that BCA has made available to support you to explore these technologies.

Nurturing a Future-Ready Workforce

12. Second, our workforce. A key enabler for our transformation efforts is our people. It is critical for us to nurture a future-ready workforce, equipped with the relevant skills.

    a. To achieve this, as we move towards greater digitalisation, the industry will need to plan and implement change management initiatives.

    b. Existing workers will require upskilling to adapt to new digital tools, and firms will need to redesign jobs and work processes.

13. But digitalisation brings forth new opportunities and has the potential to attract fresh talent. For instance, there are emerging jobs such as digital delivery specialists that would be appealing to young Singaporeans.

14. On this note, the Government is working closely with you to attract young talent to the construction industry.

    a. One example is MOE’s SG-Industry Scholarship programme, which offers joint scholarships with sponsoring organisations to undergraduate students.

    b. Students benefit from funding support during their studies, while firms get to attract and groom the next generation of talent early.

    c. I am glad to have your strong support in this programme. This year, of the 29 participating firms for the BE sector, 14 – or almost half – of them are SCAL members.

    d. If there are more firms that keen on partnering us on this programme, do reach out to my BCA colleagues.

15. In addition to offering scholarships, we must do more to rebrand the sector to attract and retain talent.

    a. Industry transformation will create new and exciting job roles, but public perception of BE careers can be improved.

    b. SCAL’s Young Leaders are making good strides in changing perceptions. I understand you have been engaging students at various platforms, like the recent STEM Innovation Challenge event at the National Junior College.

    c. It attracted more than 200 students, who showed interest in the opportunities in the BE sector.

    d. We should continue to work together on such efforts.

Promoting Safety at Worksites

16. Third, safety. Even as we focus on transforming our industry towards greater productivity, we also have a responsibility to ensure the safety of our workers.

    a. These objectives are complementary. Many of our initiatives under the refreshed BE ITM improve both productivity and worker safety.

    b. For instance, the use of DfMA technologies and robots that I mentioned earlier will reduce the need for manual labour and minimise workers’ exposure to safety risks.

17. Everyone has a role to play in improving safety outcomes.

18. The Government will lead by example as a major buyer of construction services. As mentioned by the Multi-Agency Workplace Safety Taskforce (MAST) in May this year, agencies will place greater emphasis on safety considerations in tender requirements and evaluation.

19. Firms must also take ownership and see worker safety as a core part of their operations. As such, I am heartened to see that SCAL and its members are working hard to improve safety outcomes and learn best practices from each other.

    a. At SCAL’s recent Environment, Health and Safety Campaign, firms were given the opportunity to attend site visits and learn how other industry players innovate to improve health and safety standards across diverse projects.

    b. I understand that the campaign was well-received, and I look forward to hearing about your continued efforts on this front.

20. Together, we can all do our part to look after our workers.


21. To conclude, I wish to again thank SCAL for its many contributions through the years.

22. In the spirit of Lu Ban, we should continue to dedicate ourselves to transform the BE sector.

23. I wish you all an enjoyable evening ahead. Thank you all very much.