Speech by MOS Dr Koh Poh Koon at the signing ceremony of the partnership agreement for the Integrated Pig Farm in the Jilin Food Zone

Apr 24, 2017

I am delighted to join you this morning to witness this signing ceremony of the partnership agreement for the Integrated Pig Farm in the Jilin Food Zone.

Allow me to congratulate the Thai company, Charoen Pokphand, and our Singapore companies, Ascendas-SingBridge and SATS, for taking their long-term partnership into the next phase - to develop an integrated value chain for pork production in Jilin. The consortium will eventually create modern and environmentally-sustainable pig farms, an abattoir, as well as a high-end processing plant. This is a bold vision that will reap benefits for all parties concerned, and propel Jilin forward in the development of its food production sector. 

This collaboration has been made possible due to the efforts of both Singapore and Jilin, and has benefited from the support from Jilin City officials. It was their vision to develop the Jilin Food Zone into a model for food safety. This includes the establishment of an Integrated Food Safety System and a Foot-and-Mouth Disease-Free Zone. Taken together, these should add to a system of rigorous food safety that would meet national and international standards for food products coming from the Jilin Food Zone. In particular, I would like to thank Jilin City Party Secretary Zhang for his efforts in supporting the project over the past two years, especially after assuming the role of Party Secretary. I am confident that this project will receive a greater boost and move towards a higher goal.

Singapore has worked hand-in-hand with Jilin in order for the Jilin Food Zone to be a success. Our companies, Ascendas-SingBridge and SATS, have invested here. In addition, Singapore’s Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) has helped to build up capabilities. For example, AVA’s consultancy arm, Agri-Food Technologies Pte Ltd (ATP), has been providing consultancy services to the Jilin City Government to help establish the Integrated Food Safety System. AVA officers have also been stationed in Jilin to help guide Jilin City officials as they set up this system. AVA has also been assisting in the maintenance of Jilin’s Foot-and-Mouth Disease-Free Zone. 

In fact, this mutually beneficial project highlights the strong and cooperative relationship between Singapore and China, and it provides a platform which ensures food safety. As a small island, Singapore imports more than 90% of our food. We are always looking for new, quality and safe food sources to diversify. At the same time, Jilin wants to become a food producing and processing hub. I hope that the development of Jilin Food Zone will help boost Jilin’s food industry, and in turn for Jilin food products to be exported overseas. Singapore is already importing Jilin rice – I had some last night, and it was indeed very tasty! And we will be bringing in Jilin millet soon. Eventually, the Jilin Food Zone can also produce corn, vegetables, dairy products, and fish, along with the pork that we expect to see from the Integrated Pig Farm. I hope that Singaporeans will be able to enjoy pork imported from Jilin soon. 

With its fertile soil and plentiful land, Jilin is well-suited for primary food production. But the potential goes further beyond pork production. The Integrated Food Safety System – when fully completed – and the Disease-Free Zone will boost investor and consumer confidence in Jilin’s development and its food produce. Eventually, Jilin can develop an entire food value chain, from upstream R&D, to downstream food processing and packaging, to distribution and export, which in turn will give boost to other related industries and transform Jilin into a high-end food hub that would help draw in even more investments and create more good jobs. 

Allow me to end by thanking the Jilin City and Provincial Governments for their firm support in this joint venture. I also hope that Jilin leaders and officials will continue to support and develop the project, and take our bilateral collaborations to new heights. Thank you.

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这一次的合作项目之所以能够成型,也要感谢中新双方的努力,特别是吉林市领导们一向来对于这个项目的关注与支持。他们的伟大目标是要将中新吉林食品区发展成为食品安全的楷模,涉及的工作就包括设立一个综合食品的安全监管体系,以及开设一个无口蹄疫病的无疫区。整体而言,这种种的努力将确保由中新吉林食品区所出产的食品,能通过国家级、世界级严格的食品安全系统的监管。我尤其要向吉林市委书记张焕秋先生致谢,感谢他过去两年来对于这个项目所付出的很大努力 ,推动这个项目的发展,特别是在他出任市委秘书之后,我相信这个项目会得到更大的推动力,也能朝更新的方向、更好的目标前进。


实际上,中新吉林食品区这个制造双赢的合作项目不但突显了两国多年来所建立的友好关系、,并且提供了这么一个平台来确保食品的安全 。新加坡作为一个岛国,我们百分之90以上的食品都是从外国进口的。我们也不断地努力寻找新的高素质、高安全水准的食品来源,以扩大我们的食品供应;而同时,吉林市也正发展成为一个食品生产和加工的结点中心。这么一来,我们双边的合作就会形成一个互利状态。我也希望吉林食品区的发展能够带动吉林食品业的发展,让吉林的产品能够走出国外,推销到世界各地去。新加坡已经有进口吉林市的大米,我昨晚试吃了一点,味道的确是不错!接下来,我们将会进口吉林市种植的小米。吉林市陆续还能够种植玉米和蔬菜、养殖食用鱼,以及生产乳酪制品。我们今天签约的这个生猪深加工产业化项目,还将会生产新鲜的猪肉食品。我希望新加坡人不久后就能够吃到从吉林市出口的新鲜猪肉。

