Speech by Minister Desmond Lee at the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Spring Cultural Showcase 2022

Feb 13, 2022





让我来说一说政府在这方面为不同群组所作的努力。首先,我们要帮助年轻人拥有自己的房子,让他们能够成家、组织家庭。我们正在和建筑业者合作,让预购组屋的建造工程  按照原定工期进行,尽可能减少延误。同时,我们推出了一系列措施来为房地产市场降温。我们也计划在接下来的五年内,推出多达10万个新组屋单位,协助国人拥有自己的房子。



我们也打造适合年长者安居的“组屋综合项目” (Integrated public development),结合了医疗、商业和社区设施,让居民能够就地解决生活所需。第一个“组屋综合项目”设在海军部地铁站旁边,名为“海军部村庄”。希望大家有机会能够去参观一下。接下来,我们会在油池区建造另一个“组屋综合项目”。





因此,我们必须保留邻里商店的传统和社区价值。同时为它们注入新活力,让它们跟上时代的脚步,继续为后代国人提供服务。为此,我们展开了一项公众调查,并且会向邻里店家和客户展开咨询,收集大家的意见。我鼓励大家积极参与调查和咨询活动,以及和我们合力向年轻一代  推广我们的文化及传统。

过去两年,我们一路走来不易。纵然面前的道路 充满挑战,但对于未来,我们能保持乐观的态度。包括福建会馆在内的合作伙伴们,请继续和我们并肩前行,推动新加坡的未来发展。


English Translation

Good afternoon. Let me first start by wishing everyone a happy Lunar New Year.

Thank you for inviting me to the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan’s (SHHK) Spring Cultural Showcase 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many of our lives and restricted physical interactions between people. As such, it is my privilege to meet everyone here today to celebrate the festivities.

Fight Against COVID-19

The last 2 years have been challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many Singaporeans had their livelihoods impacted, and went through periods of stress and uncertainty. So I would like to thank the SHHK for contributing to the nation’s fight against COVID-19; from supporting the distribution of masks and hand sanitiser with the Temasek Foundation across more than 10 Community Centres to engaging seniors and encouraging them to get vaccinated through various events.

As we start a new year, let’s keep working together, to tide through the current Omicron wave and continue on the path to endemicity.

Addressing Singaporeans’ Housing Concerns

Beyond the COVID situation, we understand that Singaporeans have other concerns too. For example, many Singaporeans are concerned about rising housing costs and construction delays.

We are committed to ensuring that Singaporeans have quality and affordable housing that meets their needs. Let me share some of the efforts that we have been working on, for different groups of Singaporeans.

First, for young people, we want to help them secure their own home, so that they can start their families. We are working closely with our construction partners to keep our BTO projects on track and minimise delays.

At the same time, we have rolled out measures to cool the property market, and we are prepared to launch up to 100,000 flats over the next five years, to help Singaporeans access housing more easily.

For couples who are waiting for their flats to be completed, but who cannot easily afford renting a flat on the market, we are also increasing the supply of subsidised rental flats under the Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme, so that they can start their married lives together sooner.

Second, for our seniors, we want to help them live comfortably and meaningfully, and to stay engaged in their local communities. We are piloting a new typology of flats, called the Community Care Apartments, which integrate senior-friendly housing with care services, and communal spaces and programmes. This allows seniors to live independently in a vibrant community, while getting the care that they need with their daily activities as they age.

We also have integrated developments like Kampung Admiralty and an upcoming one in Yew Tew, which bring together housing, medical, commercial, and community facilities, so that seniors can meet their different needs easily.

Third, for our lower-income families, we want to help them uplift their lives, and provide a good environment for their children. Often, these families face a web of interconnected challenges, beyond housing – medical conditions, problems securing employment, difficulties in school and so on.

So we have launched Community Link, or ComLink, for families with children living in public rental housing. ComLink will take a family-centric approach.

We will reach out to each family, understand their specific needs and aspirations, and then bring in the relevant agencies and community groups to support their different needs in a coordinated way – HDB for housing, Family Service Centres for family counselling, MOE for school subsidies, MOH for healthcare, and so on.

So that we provide each family with the support that they need, in the right sequence – and families don’t need to approach different agencies for their different needs, and provide the same information multiple times. We are rolling out this programme to all 14,000 such families across Singapore, and we need all the help we can get. I hope that you will consider contributing in your own ways, whether financially or as volunteers.

HDB Heartland Shops

Besides providing housing, our HDB neighbourhoods also play an important role in promoting community bonding and preserving our culture and heritage.

Many of our heartland shops bring with them rich history, including those with Chinese and Hokkien backgrounds, and have always provided affordable and convenient choices for Singaporeans – from traditional Chinese pharmacies, to bakeries selling traditional pastries and treats, and other shops selling items that are used in various customs and rituals. They are also places where neighbours can gather, make friends, and build up a strong community spirit.

We want to preserve the heritage and community value of our heartland shops, while updating them to keep them vibrant and relevant for future generations of Singaporeans. So we have started a public survey, and will also engage with key stakeholders like patrons and shop owners of heartland shops, to gather ideas. I hope you will participate in these engagements, and partner us in cultivate greater interest in our heritage and traditions, among the younger generations.


To conclude, the journey ahead is a challenging, but hopeful one. Partners like SHHK continue to play an important role in our country’s progress.

Thank you again for all your support thus far, and let’s continue to work together to bring Singapore forward. Wishing everyone good health, joy, and success in the Year of the Tiger. Thank you.