Speech by Minister Desmond Lee at the CORENET X 2nd Leadership Forum

Nov 27, 2023


1.    Good morning. I am delighted to join you for today’s CORENET X Leadership Forum.

2.    Since 2018, more than 100 firms have been involved in workshops and engagements to create CORENET X, including many of you here today.  

a.     After the CORENET X concept was developed, we had received valuable feedback via the monthly meetings organised under the CORENET X Community of Practice.

b.     Some of you had also worked closely with us on sandbox projects to test out the new submission processes and modelling requirements, which has helped agencies to refine the development of the platform.

Regulatory Transformation through CORENET X

3.    With your strong support, we are ready to soft launch CORENET X, a significant milestone in our journey. But first, let us revisit some of the remarkable progress that we have made over the years.

4.    CORENET revolutionised regulatory submissions for building works when it was launched more than 20 years ago.

a.     Back then, we were the first in the world to introduce electronic plan submissions.

5.    Over the years, we also made various improvements to the CORENET platform.

a.     This included accepting 3D Building Information Modelling (BIM) submissions, with BCA being the world’s first government body to do so in 2009.

b.     The efficiency brought about by CORENET and other moves has greatly benefitted the BE sector. For example, Singapore has been amongst the fastest countries to issue construction permits in several World Bank Doing Business surveys since 2010.

6.    But we recognise that significant pain points still remain.

a.     The existing process involves Qualified Persons (QPs) making separate submissions to different regulatory agencies.  For instance, a QP might need to submit plans to BCA for structural approval, PUB for the approval of sewerage and drainage requirements, and so on.

b.     This could lead to conflicting requirements imposed by different agencies, which QPs may take more time to resolve. For example, BCA requires QPs to provide barrier-free access to streets from pavements and buildings. But PUB requires the ground level of buildings to be a certain height above street level to prevent flooding. Hence, for smaller sites, QPs have found that the access ramps that meet PUB’s height requirements may be too steep to meet BCA’s requirements.

c.     In the worst-case scenario, this can lead to abortive works downstream during construction and maintenance for the project team, which can incur significant time and cost to rectify.

7.    This is why we have transformed the regulatory approval process for building works under CORENET X to address these issues.

a.     We will cut down more than 20 approval touchpoints across agencies today, to three key submission gateways.

b.     At each gateway, QPs will make a coordinated submission, for agencies to provide a consolidated response.

c.     This upfront coordination will help us minimise costly abortive works downstream.

8.    To support this new process, agencies have engaged our trade associations to understand their concerns and facilitate their resolution.

9.    One key concern raised by developers was that projects may be delayed because teams were unfamiliar with the new requirements.

a.     This is why we had introduced a temporary six-month extension to Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) remission and Project Completion Period (PCP) timelines, for new projects who make their first plan submissions under CORENET X until December 2025.

10. As there would be greater emphasis on planning and design upfront under CORENET X, consultants also raised a need for their payment milestones to be adjusted accordingly.

a.     To address this, we will amend the standard consultancy contract for public sector projects to reflect the updated payment milestones.

b.     In addition, industry associations such as REDAS, SIA and IES are working together to adjust the payment milestones in the standard conditions of contract used by their members.

Technology-enabled Transformation

11. In addition to regulatory transformation, CORENET X provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to drive the adoption of new digital technologies.

12. Many of you are aware that BCA has been encouraging the adoption of BIM.

a.     BIM enables BE professionals to collaborate digitally on the same digital building model, as a single source of truth.

b.     Putting various consultants on the same page not only allows design conflicts and miscommunication to be resolved much earlier, but also streamlines processes to save time and cost.

c.     This is why BCA has required plan submissions with Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 5,000 sqm and above to adopt BIM since 2013.

13. With CORENET X, we will turbocharge the benefits of BIM.

14. First, eligible submissions will use an open BIM submission format aligned to common data standards.

a.     This allows the models to be read by different BIM-based software, which essentially creates a “digital spine” that links stakeholders throughout the project’s lifecycle.

b.     It also standardises the information required for each project to enable the models to be used throughout the BE value chain.

c.     For example, detailed BIM models developed by consultants can be passed onto contractors to guide construction. Subsequently, these BIM models can also be used as a base to create “digital twins” of buildings. These can be used by facilities managers to enhance building monitoring and performance.

15. Second, we will implement an Automated Model Checker (AMC).

a.     QPs can utilise the AMC to check their BIM models and correct non-compliances for selected deterministic rules before making their submission.

b.     This will enable them to spend more time on more complex design issues and requirements.

16. Given the transformative potential of BIM, we have worked towards enabling even more projects to enjoy its benefits.

a.     For instance, we understand some of our smaller firms are concerned about the upfront costs.

17. This is why we have expanded the scope of BCA’s Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) to co-fund up to 50% of the qualifying costs of BIM software and training for CORENET X.

a.     BCA has opened applications for this about two weeks ago. I encourage our SMEs to apply for the grant, and kickstart your BIM journey.

Progressive Implementation of CORENET X

18. Even as we explore exciting new possibilities with CORENET X, it will involve significant changes for many parties.

a.     We recognise that it will be important to manage the transition carefully.

19. Hence, we are implementing a phased approach to onboard the industry and roll out new features.

a.     We will soft launch CORENET X on 18 December 2023, and work with partner firms to test out the new features as a start.

b.     We will then extend voluntary submissions to the rest of the industry from June 2024, before making submissions mandatory for new projects from April 2025.

20. Let me touch briefly on our plans for the soft launch.

a.     The platform will be able to accept plan submissions for conventional projects via the Design and Piling Gateways, and simpler works via the Direct Submission Process (DSP). 

b.     There are also useful features such as a dashboard reflecting respective agencies’ progress in processing project submissions, as well as a centralised fee payment portal.

21. Some of you have stepped forward for the soft launch, and I thank you for your support.

22. One such firm is ADDP Architects.

a.     ADDP Architects has ramped up their internal training efforts, with regular in-house courses and briefings on the latest developments for CORENET X.

b.     The firm has also volunteered two of their projects for the soft launch.

23. Another firm to note is TWA.

a.     As a firm specialising in smaller landed housing projects, TWA has ensured that its various QPs – architects, structural engineers, and Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) engineers – have built up strong BIM capabilities.

b.     It has also taken the initiative to submit one of its residential landed projects in BIM for the soft launch, which will allow the project team to gain useful experience.

24. Our public sector developers are also taking the lead.

a.     For example, HDB had volunteered one of its BTO projects to test out CORENET X even before the soft launch.

b.     The project made its Design Gateway submission last month, for regulatory agencies to issue a coordinated response in return.

c.     This has provided agencies with invaluable insights to enhance the  process.

Next Steps

25. If you are keen to participate in the soft launch, please do approach our agencies – BCA and URA.

a.     You can also step forward when voluntary submissions for CORENET X are extended to the wider industry in June 2024.

b.     In doing so, you will not only help us test drive the system, but also ready your organisation for the full implementation of CORENET X for all projects.

c.     As leaders, you play an important role to ensure your teams are equipped and trained, and processes are redesigned to accommodate the changes CORENET X will bring.

26. Our agencies will continue to provide the necessary support.

a.     We have put in place various resources such as training courses, industry briefings and webinars, a Code of Practice as a guide for submission requirements, and a dedicated CORENET X website with self-help resources.

b.     And we will continue to do more. This includes putting in place a “Train-the-Trainer” programme to assist firms with developing their internal staff trainers, and handholding partner firms to test out the platform as part of the soft launch.


27. As with all new initiatives, we can expect some inevitable teething issues as we roll out CORENET X.

a.     I seek your continued support and partnership to work through these issues together, and ensure a smooth transition.

b.     Our agencies are committed to see through this change, which represents a fundamental transformation of how we approach planning and design in the BE sector.

28. Eventually, we can all reap the benefits from greater digitalisation and collaboration, brought about by CORENET X.

29. Thank you.