Oral Answer by Ministry of National Development on roadkills in the Mandai area

Jul 11, 2018

Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for National Development

(a) what measures have been put in place to reduce the number of roadkills in the Mandai area;

whether such measures apply to all areas where there are construction activities near national parks and nature reserves; and

when will the hoardings along Mandai Road be completed.


The current construction work in Mandai is being carried out by Mandai Park Development (MPD), which is a private developer.  As with all developments near nature reserves, MPD was required to assess the potential impact of their works on the flora and fauna in the area prior to beginning construction.  MPD is also responsible for implementing measures to mitigate the impact of their development works on wildlife in the area.

MPD has since undertaken a number of measures to reduce roadkill in the area.  As the Member has mentioned, hoardings have been installed around the development areas on Mandai Lake Road.  MPD, the relevant government agencies, and the nature community are currently discussing the need for additional hoardings.  Where it is ascertained that additional hoardings will protect wildlife, the relevant government agencies will work with MPD to determine the location of these hoardings. Other measures that MPD has put in place include a rope bridge to help arboreal animals cross the road safely, and vehicle speed reduction measures, such as warning signs, speed bumps, and a lowered speed limit.

The measures implemented by MPD are specific to the Mandai development.  Other projects may require different measures.