Oral Answer by Ministry of National Development on purchase of HDB flats by divorcees with shared care and control of their children

Jul 11, 2018

Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for National Development what are the eligibility conditions for divorcees with shared care and control of their children to purchase a subsidised HDB flat.


Divorcees with children under their legal custody, care and control may form a family nucleus, by listing their children as essential occupiers in their flat application. Those awarded shared care and control of their children share the right to list the children in their flat application. This is rare, as care and control is usually awarded to one parent.

As any individual can only be listed in one HDB flat application, we require parents with shared care and control to seek their ex-spouse’s agreement before listing the child in a flat application. This ensures fairness to both parties, as HDB is not in a position to determine which parent should exercise the right to list the child. Nonetheless, those who cannot reach an agreement with their ex-spouse may approach HDB to discuss their options.